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Granny Norbag

Name - Granny Norbag
Best friend - Engelbert, her parrot.
Favourite drink - Tea without milk.
Favourite food - Home made cake
Favourite singer - Engelbert Humperdinck 
Hobbies - knitting, bingo and gossiping.
Favourite TV show - Emmerdale
Secret - She has magic false teeth
Appears in - All the books

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Best friend - Granny Norbag 
Favourite food - Flapjack
Favourite song - Please Release Me
Hobbies - Singing and eating
Birthplace - Rio, Brazil

Favourite song - Engelbert by Granny Norbag
Family - He has a little sister called Doris
Appears in - All the books.

Mabel The Mermaid

Hobbies - reading and swimming.
Favourite film - The Little Mermaid.
Favourite drink - seaweed smoothie.
Birthplace - Under the sea.

Favourite song - Toodle Pip by Granny Norbag
Secret - she can speak over 25 different languages including dolphin, squid and octopus.
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Naughty Pirates.


Captain Oddsocks

Name - Captain Oddsocks
Hobbies - Stealing and shouting orders
Favourite drink - Fizzy pop with extra added sugar.
Favourite item - His treasure chest
Dislikes - Being woken up before lunchtime 
Secret - He can’t sleep without his teddy bear Frank.
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Naughty Pirates.


Lee & Lou

Name - Lee and Lou 
Also known as - The Naughty Pirates 
Hobbies - Singing sea shanties and burping the alphabet.
Favourite food - Fish and chips
Dislike - Being shouted at by Captain Oddsocks.
Secret - Nobody knows which one is Lee and which one is Lou - not even themselves!
Appear in - Granny Norbag And The Naughty Pirates.

Monsieur Alfonzo

Name - Monsieur Alfonzo
Job - Mobile Hairdresser
Favourite dessert - Vanilla cheesecake
Favourite song - Pensioner’s Summer by Granny Norbag
Hobbies - Ballroom dancing and acting
Favourite TV programme - Strictly Come Dancing

Secret - When he is scared his screams can smash glass
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Cave Troll

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The Leprechauns

Names - Fox and Swan
Home- Rainbow Village
Hobbies - Making trinkets and souvenirs
Favourite food - Soda bread
Favourite Day - St Patrick's Day
Favourite Film - Finian’s Rainbow
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Cave Troll

The Cave Troll

Name - Cave Troll (Mandy Wartroll)
Height - Over 8 foot tall
Hair colour - Flaming red
Hobbies - Painting
Favourite weapons - Club and spear

Interesting fact - Her toe nail clippings can cut through metal
Favourite song - Engelbert by Granny Norbag

Favourite food - Rock cakes
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Cave Troll 



Name - Gurrugg
Hobbies - Sport and shouting loudly 
Favourite event - Hammer throw
Dislikes - Losing and humans
Colour - Red
Planet - Flametonia

Family - Gurrugg has seven older brothers but he is the biggest
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Intergalactic Games


Name - Huntressa
Hobbies - Keeping fit
Favourite food - Fruit trifle
Favourite event - The Pole Vault
Dislikes - Cheating
Favourite song - Yoyo by Granny Norbag

Title - Princess Huntressa. She is a member of the Leopardian Royal Family
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Intergalactic Games

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Alien X

Name - Alien X
Colour - Green
Favourite event - Dancing
Dislikes - Bingo
Favourite film - E.T.
Favourite song - First Gran On The Moon by Granny Norbag
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Intergalactic Games


Name - Bailzz The Robot
Planet - Robotonia
Hobbies - Building skyscrapers
Languages spoken - 85 (including English)
Favourite event - Bingo
Favourite film - Star Wars

Hero - C3PO
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Intergalactic Games

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Pea Green Alien

Name - Percy Pea Green
Job - Intergalactic Games Official
Hobbies - Being bossy
Hates - When aliens are late to the games
Favourite event - The Moon Mile
Favourite food - Green custard 
Appears in - Granny Norbag And The Intergalactic Games

Colonel Snooper

Name - Colonel Snooper
Best Friend - Miss Spendapenny
Party Trick - Dancing moustache
Favourite Gadget - Invisible ink writing pen
Favourite Holiday Destination - The Caribbean
Dislikes - Gossip
Appears in - Granny Norbag As The Spy Who Poured Tea


Doe, Ray and Me

Names - Doe, Ray and Me
Family - They are triplets and their parents are Bet and Jack
Favourite Sport - Wrestling
Secret - They love The Bee Gees
Previous Jobs - Supermarket security guards
Favourite cake - Lemon drizzle
They appear in Granny Norbag As The Spy Who Poured Tea



Princess Shadooshka

Name - Princess Shadooshka
Favourite Colour - Pink
Collects - Expensive jewellery
Favourite TV Show - Thundercats
Hobby - Chasing birds
Hates - Loud noises that interrupt her sleep
Appears in Granny Norbag As The Spy Who Poured Tea


Miss Spendapenny

Name - Miss spendapenny
Works For - The Busybody Spy agency
Ambition - to become a pilot
Hobby - Going clothes shopping
Favourite Film - Legally Blond
Favourite biscuit - Shortbread
Fears - The engaged sign on a toilet door
Appears in Granny Norbag as The Spy Who Poured Tea

Dr Tuneless

Name - Dr Tuneless
Best Friend - Princess Shadooshka
Enjoys - Bossing his henchmen around
Hates - music and pop stars
Lives - In a volcano lair
Favourite drink - Mint tea
Appears in Granny Norbag As The Spy Who Poured Tea


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