Hello my lovelies, it’s nearly World Book Day! I can’t believe how quickly it has come round this year. I’ll be visiting five schools this week and meeting over 2000 children! I can’t wait!!! I know lots of children enjoy dressing up on World Book Day. If you dress up as me this year please email me your pictures, or share them with me on social media. This year, I’m going to print as many of your pictures in the Yorkshire Information Point paper as I can. Let’s create a gallery of Grannys. Also, celebrate World Book Day, I’m releasing copies of my brand new book Granny Norbag As The Spy Who Poured Tea. It’s a limited edition cover and won’t be printed again looking like this. Keep an eye on this blog and my social media pages to find out how to get a copy. I’ve put aside some dates in March and April for school visits. If you're a school who would like a meet and greet with Granny please email grannynorbag@yahoo.com Toodle pip for now, Granny Norbag
