Hello my lovelies,
I have some exciting news to share with you all.
I was recently awarded and Arts Council England Project Funding to continue my work. I will share further details about this ACE project work in the coming weeks. I want to say a huge thank you to Arts Council England, Arts Council North, The National Lottery and all of the people who have helped me achieve this successful funding bid.
Because of this funding, author Malcolm J Hogan is able to offer ten ‘virtual’ school visits to primary schools (Y1-3). These visits will be free to schools and you can enquire about them via the contact page on this website.

In other news… I’m also continuing my twice weekly shows on Rockingham Radio. I’d love schools, teachers and families to send me song requests through the website or via my social media pages. The shows go out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.30pm-7pm. There is a weekly omnibus on Sunday at 7pm. I’m very happy for schools, classes or bubbles to choose all the music for a show and record some soundbites. Here’s a link to the radio station…
I’m still working hard on my musical film. It will be out later this year and I can’t wait to share it with you all. It features lots of characters from my book series and some new songs too. I go on a magical quest on the film to find the perfect gift for a fine lady called Mrs Snooty-Pants.

Right, I better go as Emmerdale is on in five minutes and I never miss an episode.
Toodle pip for now my lovelies,
Granny Norbag
